SkinPen® by Bellus Medical – PRP/Micro-Needling

When it comes to microneedling in Houma and all the benefits that come with it, our providers are trained to customize the treatments to provide you with the best possible results. The basic microneedle process uses tiny needles to prick your skin and stimulate collagen. This process triggers your skin’s natural healing process, and the results have been promising. Collagen induction therapy has been used to get rid of wrinkles and lines. The Eclipse Micropen® allows our providers to microneedle much faster and more efficiently than people originally thought possible.

Microneedle Procedure in Houma

Microneedling is the insertion of tiny needles into the skin to aid in skin rejuvenation. The results are almost immediate, making the skin plump, luminous and healthy for weeks moving forward. Sessions done every month will increase collagen and elastin, starting at about six months after receiving treatment. Microneedling in Houma works by stimulating dormant hair follicles and may also work to reduce the presence of cellulite. After treatments, your skin is wounded, and you should be gentle with it until it heals—a few days after treatment.

Houma Residents Enjoy Collagen Induction

When our providers perform collagen induction therapy, what does that mean? The procedure is used to improve the look of fine lines, scars and wrinkles. By stimulating elastin and collagen, the skin appears to almost heal itself. This is because the micro-injuries cause the skin to generate its natural wound healing response. Collagen induction therapy in Houma has proven successful with patients of all ages and skin types. After the procedure is completed, the skin should be treated delicately for a few days. If there is discomfort, a topical local anesthetic can be applied.

Eclipse Micropen in Houma

The Eclipse Micropen is a dermal micro-needling device that has been gaining steam globally. It is safer than most products used by other providers, and the high-speed motor ensures a quick and comfortable procedure. The treatments are customized for each Houma customer, and accommodate age, skin type, and much more. The control features are precise enough to ensure the same consistent results over and over. The pen treats an area by gliding across the skin in one direction until the entire treatment area has been covered.