Active FX™

In the field of cosmetic procedures, the Active FX™ laser resurfacing treatment is one of the deepest penetrating available. The Active FX laser procedure in Houma penetrates below the skin’s surface, to stimulate the collagen and elastin. The Active FX procedure triggers the skin’s natural healing processes, and has been shown to improve tone, texture and tightness. Laser skin resurfacing can plump the skin up, giving it a glow while reducing the wrinkles and scars that are otherwise visible.

Houma Active FX Treatments Targeted Areas

Active FX laser resurfacing has success in treating fine lines and wrinkles, skin texture issues, large pores, dull skin, acne scars, skin laxity, skin sagging, collagen production, hoods over the eyes and much more. This treatment doesn’t have the limitations of normal laser skin resurfacing. Regardless of age, skin type on the Fitzpatrick skin-type chart or many other factors, the Active FX laser in Houma has shown success across the board. We look forward to sitting down with you to develop a plan that works for you.

Which Houma Residents Would Benefit from Active FX Laser?

Most Houma residents can enjoy the benefits that Active FX laser resurfacing has to offer. It has shown success with all skin types on the Fitzpatrick Skin-Type Chart, although results with darker skin types are not often as successful. Active FX has enjoyed success with skin of all ages and seems to perform equally well across the board. Anyone looking for dramatic improvements to their skin texture and tone, or those with deep acne scarring might benefit from the procedure.

What does an Active FX Treatment in Houma Entail?

Patients in Houma have Active FX laser procedures done on their face, neck, chest or back. The procedure is designed to be comfortable. We can even numb the area with a topical cream. The procedure itself should be under two hours, and the best results come about six months after the Active FX laser resurfacing takes place. On treatment day, the treatment areas are cleaned and covered in a topical numbing cream. Pain medicine will be administered before the active FX laser resurfacing procedure, and usually take about three days to heal.