July 08, 2014

Most of the dermatology prescriptions I write are expensive. It is just the way it is. I write a lot of ‘name brand’ products over ‘generic’ because I want what is BEST for my patients. I have used every cream personally that I have ever written and I will tell you it does matter to have the better ‘vehicle’. The vehicle is what makes it a cream, lotion, ointment, foam or spray and also gives some of the elegant feel, better smell, easier to apply and penetrate better for faster results. I disagree that it’s ‘ just the same’.. It’s like saying that walmart brand macaroni is the same as Velvetta Mac n cheese. Yes they are both macaroni but we all know which is better:) if your plan doesn’t cover name brand I will gladly substitute to make it affordable or be as generous as I can with my samples’ Doesn’t hurt to go for the ‘best’ first to see if covered!

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