by | Jan 28, 2015 | Articles
This video was made to show how our skin appears in ultraviolet lighting, much like the sun. Maybe it’s time we used sunscreen more...
by | Sep 15, 2014 | Promotions
Do you hate melasma as much as we do?? The New Halo laser treatment is for YOU!!! It’s the first hybrid fractional laser combining non-ablative and ablative wavelengths to maximize results and control downtime. Haydel Dermatology is offering this procedure from...
by | Sep 4, 2014 | Dermatology Products
New Product at Haydel Dermatology Fade 12 Fade-12 reduces and removes the appearance of age spots on hands and arms. Rapidly Fades age spots and hyperpigmentation Clinically proven to reduce melanin synthesis by 80% in 6 weeks Evens skin tone Reduces lines and...
by | Sep 3, 2014 | Promotions
My rockstar aesthetician Megan has amazing lashes thanks to Latisse!! Today and tomorrow the 5 ml. large bottle is $150. (It is regularly $200). This size bottle will give you the results below! (4 month supply)
by | Aug 28, 2014 | Dermatology Products
Do you love the SkinMedica line of products? You can now purchase your favorite SkinMedica products through our website.
by | Aug 27, 2014 | Dermatology Products
Yesterday I did a new laser procedure called the Halo. I am a speaker and national trainer for the company Sciton that makes this laser. Before purchasing any new equipment, I like to have the procedure done myself. This is considered ‘non ablative’...
by | Aug 22, 2014 | Promotions
Get signed up for this great program
by | Aug 5, 2014 | Promotions
Want to know more about our August special on the Elixis Eye Treatment? Here is a video of Dr. Haydel receiving the Exilis Eye Treatment. The treatment last only 8 minutes per eye and is very warm to occasionally hot during the treatment. Check it out. This is the...
by | Aug 4, 2014 | Dermatology Products
Banish bad skin days for good! Purchase your ‘back to school’ colorescience kit!!
by | Jul 16, 2014 | Articles
How to Save a Life: My brother-in-law, Dr. Wade May, saves lives everyday as a Cardiologist. Early this summer, he was at a pool party where a young boy had a near drowning. His expert CPR technique saved this child’s life. It was a good reminder for me to...